🚨BREAKING — Harvard Doctor Says Animal Protein Is Essential For Mental Health — A Huge Blow To Veganism

As Dr. Georgia Ede points out, veganism doesn’t work. She vehemently refutes the rising beliefs in meat-free diets. This via Daily Mail1.

According to Dr. Ede, meat is a source of all essential nutrients that plant-based diets can not meaningfully offer. For instance, vegan diets lack important levels of nutrients such as Vitamin B12, Omega-3s, Zinc, Choline, Iron, and Iodine, known to be crucial to good mental health.

Similarly, a finding from a 2022 study that followed 14,000 Brazilians between the ages of 25-74 revealed 

that vegans were twice as likely to be depressed compared to people who consumed meat3.

Additionally, another 2020 study found that veganism was associated with over a 200% increase in odds for depression2.

Even international health bodies weighed in. For example, A 2023 report from United Nations’ Food and Agriculture Association stated animal meat is one the best and cheapest ways of pregnant mothers and growing children to receiving essential nutrients3.

Considering the facts, there is a strong connection between meat and mental health. That being said, will you eat more more after reading this?

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  1. https://www.dailymail.co.uk/health/article-13197267/americans-mental-health-eat-meat-veganism.html ↩︎
  2. https://www.dailymail.co.uk/health/article-13197267/americans-mental-health-eat-meat-veganism.html ↩︎
  3. https://openknowledge.fao.org/server/api/core/bitstreams/0c1bfa99-18d4-42e4-b94f-27160126f826/content ↩︎